I've been known to carry a lot of unusual and/or bulky and/or heavy stuff by bike, but this past week there's been more than usual. I wish I had some pictures to share.
- A bike stand, like the one shown on the right, also for about 5km. I only had a bungee cord and a couple of velcro ankle strappities to attach it to my bike, which gave it the same sort of nerdy rigging appeal as rigging a tarp does for some of us campy types. The legs of the stand traveled in front of me and I had to lift them every now and then to stop them from rubbing my front tyre, but it was no problem.
- a canoe pack containing a desktop computer with its old-style 14" CRT monitor. That was on my back, then I had a garbage bag full of clothes strapped to the rack, for about 5km . This was a tough haul; my shoulders were sore when I finished. But it still pales in comparison with this fellow I saw in Guatemala, or to this load of plastic bottles shown on workcycles.com:
- a dead racoon, killed by a car and driver and left in the middle of the lane on Roncesvalles Ave this morning. I took the body to rest in nearby High Park,between a couple logs and underneath a pile of leaves.
By the way - I'm sorry for being so long between postings - I just haven't been inspired for a while. If you want to know when there's a new posting without having to check this website, you could subscribe to the newsfeed at: