Another nearby terreno

About 90-95% of the population of Itzapa own their own terreno, or small plot of land. I've been told that all of them are organic - not only could most of the farmers not afford chemicals, but I think they would have a heck of a time getting them to their terreno as walking alone or with a loaded-down horse are the most common modes of transportation I've seen people taking to their terrenos. The food I buy in the Itzapa market comes direct and fresh from these terrenos, usually with the women selling while the men work in the fields. I made a short-list of about 50 fruits and vegetables growing in nearby terrenos, including corn and beans (of course), peas, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, aguacado, pineapple, mango, oranges, limes, banana, chile, melons, onion, garlic, lettuce, cucumber, oregano, etc. All organic and very fresh, available a 2-minute walk from my house, and all I can eat for about $2/day. In case anyone was worried about me not eating well here.
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