levi's travelblog

Since I´m going traveling for a pretty lengthy time, I decided to skip the group emails and instead write a weblog. Please go ahead and post replies if the spirit moves you, or send me an email. I can´t promise timely replies though as I probably won´t be spending much time on the internet. However, I can promise to try and keep the blog interesting and not too long!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

trip prep in YK

trip prep in YK, originally uploaded by Levi Waldron.

organizing what seems like a staggering amount food and gear in a borrowed banquet hall in Yellowknife. How are we going to carry all this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That shot is really incredible! I'm so glad you're posting pictures from your trip.



12:13 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That shot is really incredible! I'm so glad you're posting pictures from your trip.



12:14 a.m.  

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